Whale-listening research tours in the Southeast Pacific region: a case study of scientific tourism in Ecuador





facial expression, Ecuador, Satisfaction, preferences, tourism, Megaptera novaeangliae, whale-listening research tours


Scientific tourism is an emerging but poorly studied field in the Southeast Pacific region. We conducted a literature review to assess the current state of scientific tourism and included a case study of humpback whale-listening research tours off the coast of Esmeraldas in northern Ecuador. Additionally, we conducted online interviews to examine changes in people’s perception of whale-observation tours (comparing visual and auditory experiences). The literature review revealed more published articles related to whale-watching aided research than to scientific tourism. Still, we found that humpback whale-listening research tours operate in the region. Human facial expressions showing emotions such as happiness and surprise were the most frequently recorded reactions when people listened to humpback whale songs. Online respondents mostly expressed high satisfaction when listening to whale songs or seeing whales up close (< 5 m). However, after respondents read about the impact of tour boats on whales’ well-being, most respondents preferred to watch and listen to whales at a distance of 100 m. Whale-listening tours generate emotional well-being in people who participate, and we consider that the whale-watching industry could implement this activity to promote compliance with distance guidelines for observing humpback whales in their breeding grounds.


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Author Biographies

Javier P. Oña, Programa de Ecología Acústica, Proyecto CETACEA, Quito, Ecuador

He is an Ecuadorian biologist, graduated from the Universidad Central del Ecuador. Later obtained a master´s degree in Tropical Ecology from the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador. He is the founder of the bioacoustics program at the CETACEA Ecuador Project. He has participated as a scientific coordinator and research assistant at important both national and international projects with cetaceans. His professional interests are focused on research about behavioral ecology, marine bioacoustics of cetaceans, and marine debris.

Ana Eguiguren, Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada

She is an Ecuadorian biologist and PhD Candidate in Dalhousie University, studying communication in sperm whales and northern bottlenose whales acoustics, distribution and conservation. Graduated from a M.Sc. program works at the Department of Biology, Dalhousie University.

Paola Moscoso, Fundación Naturaleza y Arte, Quito, Ecuador

Biologist specialized in ecoacoustics, PhD. Associate Researcher of the Sussex Sustainability Research Program at the University of Sussex. She has around 15 years of experience in fieldwork in tropical forests, mainly in the field of primatology and conservation biology, being a member of the IUCN group of specialists. Her current focus of research is the use of acoustic analysis as a tool to assess the ecological and social aspects of habitat degradation, and the understanding of the value of natural sounds in humans. She is the founder of Voces del Bosque where she develops interdisciplinary work between ecoacoustics, art and ecotherapy.

Judith Denkinger, Colegio de Ciencias Biológicas y Ambientales and Galápagos Science Center, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, campus Cumbayá, Quito, Ecuador

Graduated with a master in Biology at Ulm University and a PhD about the demography of Amazon River dolphins in the Cuyabeno Reserve, Ecuador at the University of Bielefeld. Currently, she is a professor at the College of Natural Science and Biology, Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) where she teaches ecology and marine ecology. Her research is focused on conservation and demography of marine Mammals in the Galapagos Islands and Coastal Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Oña, J. P., Eguiguren, A., Moscoso, P., & Denkinger, J. (2023). Whale-listening research tours in the Southeast Pacific region: a case study of scientific tourism in Ecuador. Mammalia Aequatorialis, 5, 97–113. https://doi.org/10.59763/mam.aeq.v5i.55



Research articles
