Seasonal differences in community-, trophic guild- and assemblage-level of bats diversity in an Ecuadorian agricultural landscape




Chiroptera, Pichincha, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Costa, Western Ecuador, Phyllostomidae, Phyllostomids, agrosystems, ecology, trophic guilds


Studies about fauna diversity, conducted in agricultural landscapes, have not greatly face the relationship between environmental variables and the diversity of order Chiroptera, so in this article we evaluate seasonally effects on the abundance, richness and structure of the bat community throughout an agricultural landscape located in the northwest of Ecuador. As long as four years, we collected bats in agro- systems inside an agricultural landscape, we calculate abundance, richness, and diversity index which grouped in two seasons, we searching the differences between seasons and months with the non-parametric Kruskal- Wallis test. We registered 343 individuals belonging to 20 species of bats, alpha diversity does not showed significant differences between seasons or months. Richness and relative abundance of trophic guilds were significantly higher in October (dry seasons) and significantly lower in February (rainy season). Rank- abundance curves showed that dry season’s assemblage exhibited highest richness, equitability, and number of rare species. Despite indices that represent the structure of the bats’ community did not change significantly between seasons or months of the year, rank-abundance curves showed that dry season’s assemblage exhibited highest diversity of bats. We concluded that at the assemblage level, dry season exhibits heights bat diversity than the rainy season in the agricultural landscape of western Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Pozo-Rivera, W. E., Arce-Carriel, M. R., Berovides-Álvarez, V., & Ricardo-Nápoles, N. (2020). Seasonal differences in community-, trophic guild- and assemblage-level of bats diversity in an Ecuadorian agricultural landscape. Mammalia Aequatorialis, 2, 65–74.



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